By Dimitrios Moshovitis ’16
Two of the most popular apps are Candy Crush and Flappy Bird. The objective of the game Flappy Bird is to tap on your device’s screen to make a bird fly through green pipes. The space for the bird to pass between the pipes is very small, and therefore make the game challenging. The objective of the game Candy Crush is to match candy into a row of three or more in order to get enough points to continue onto the next level. When student were asked on a survey if the like Flappy Bird, Candy Crush, both Flappy Bird and Candy Crush, or none, the results show that more students prefer Flappy Bird over Candy Crush.
40% of students prefer Flappy Bird
28% of students prefer None
24% of students prefer Candy Crush
8% of students prefer Both
Unfortunately, the app Flappy Bird was taken down from all app stores by its owner on February 18th due to many complaints that the game was too hard.